Resumo de noticias matinais

Beach Soccer: Ferrocarril-PER será o adversário do Vasco nas quartas da Libertadores

?????????¡Se viene lo mejor! Estos son los Cuartos de Final de la CONMEBOL #LibertadoresFP.
????? O melhor está por vir! Estas são as Quartas de Final da CONMEBOL #LibertadoresFP.

Fonte: Instagram CONMEBOL Libertadores Fútbol Playa


Situação financeira da A-Cap é classificada como perigosa nos Estados Unidos

NewsColina @newscolina
Situação financeira da A-Cap é muito grave — @JosimarFotball.

A comissão de Seguros de Utah classificou três das cinco seguradoras da A-CAP como estando em "condição financeira perigosa", obrigando-as a interromper novos negócios a partir de janeiro.

Segundo o comissário Jonathan Pike, a A-CAP está usando novos prêmios e a liquidação de investimentos para cobrir obrigações, o que ameaça a proteção financeira prometida aos clientes.

Além disso, a A-CAP e a 777 Partners enfrentam processos nos EUA por acusações de fraude e lavagem de dinheiro. Funcionários das empresas foram intimados pelo Departamento de Justiça.

Que fim levou a 777?

A 777 Partners tentou entrar no mercado argentino, mas desistiu após perder o controle do Vasco da Gama, indicando má gestão e falta de recursos.

No fim das contas, os fundadores da 777 estão vendendo propriedades de luxo para lidar com a crise.

Josh Wander está ausente do público há meses, e Steven Pasko colocou sua cobertura em Miami à venda.

Fonte: X NewsColina

Double Indemnity

A-CAP has Always maintained that it was financially able to withstand the demise of 777 Partners. A new ruling by Utah regulators shows it is not the case, something which will alarm all of the football clubs it now controls and has failed to find buyers for.

On Monday, the Utah Insurance Commission fired a shot across the bows of Kenny King's struggling New York firm, which became so entangled with 777 Partners. King, A-CAP and 777 Partners are all fighting lawsuits accusing them of major fraud. Josimar revealed last month how employees from both companies had been issued with subpoenas by the US Department of Justice in a money laundering investigation. It now transpires that A-CAP has also been under continuing examination by US insurance regulators since as long ago as May 2023. This week, the Commissioner in Utah was sufficiently alarmed by what that examination, which is ongoing, has so far uncovered, that he issued an Emergency Order stating that three of A-CAP's five insurance companies, the ones domiciled in his state, were in a "hazardous financial condition" presenting an "immediate and significant danger to public health, safety or welfare", and that they must stop writing any new business by the end of this month.

Kenneth King (left) with 777 Partners' Josh Wander.

The thousands of retirees, bereaved and parentless people who paid for policies with any of these companies over the last few weeks have reason to be concerned. According to Commissioner Jonathan T. Pike, "the Companies are using funds from new premiums and/or liquidating investments… to pay their obligations as they become due." Pike's verdict is that if the companies "continue to write business, a consumer who buys a policy may not obtain the financial protection that the policy would otherwise provide." Taking such drastic public action will have consequences, because it will limit cash flow into these companies, and is also likely to spook existing policyholders, who can withdraw funds at any time, subject to penalties.

But just in case anyone was still wondering quite how deeply in trouble these A-CAP companies may be, the Order also outlines the fact that "other action" may be taken against them, "including placing any of the Companies into rehabilitation, liquidation, or other delinquency proceedings." The Order outlines how three of the biggest loans on the books of these companies are impaired. Harvest In
